My Beloved is a Hero in my eyes and heart. He served our country by serving in the Navy. I have never heard him refer to his time in the Navy as being a sacrifice or duty. It was something that he felt honored to do and looks back on with great memories of the friendships and experiences that he had.
It doesn't matter what your political views of the wars are. The troops are our fellow Americans. They are someone's brother or sister. They are fathers and mothers. They are sons and daughters. They are doing a job that many would not be willing to do. Many are doing this job with little support from home. That is where eMail Our Military comes in.
eMail Our Military is an organization that takes up where the former "write any soldier" program left off. Troops who wish to receive emails from home can register with eMail Our Military. Civilians who would like to send emails & coorespond with someone serving in the military also register. The eMail Our Military organization then matches up the troops with civilians and that is where it begins. Through the email, you can send notes of encouragement and support to the troops. These emails are so important to those serving! They can boost the morale and help make their time away from their loved ones easier.
The program is very well organized. It provides a safe way for those of us who wish to email/coorespond with those serving and offer encouragement a way to do so without endangering them. They never publicize the names and addresses of the service members, ships or units on the web.
The registration process for civilians is very easy. They have a registration form that you fill out and a $2.00 registration fee. Once your registration is processed, they contact you with the information you will need to start emailing the troop you have been given to coorespond with.
My Beloved and I are both registering to coorespond with a someone deployed in military service. We are looking forward to being able to write and let them know that we are praying for them and encourage them however we can.