Today, we got Micah a 6-week old puppy. We named him Baron. Baron is half lab and half blue heeler. This is such a testiment to Micah's progress.
Last summer, we began the process of looking for a companion dog for Micah. The first obstacle was Micah had a fear of animals. Didn't matter what kind. He feared them all. The one animal that we knew of that was able to get near Micah without causing a meltdown was a chicken hen we had last year. She would find her way in the house through a window or door and lay own next to Micah if he was withdrawn or upset. She calmed him. She died last fall when a coyote got her one night.
This afternoon, we saw a couple giving away puppies. I went up to look at them. Okay, I admit it - I have a weak spot for puppies and kittens. Joe knows it is a 50/50 shot that if I hold one, it will come home with me. Over the past few months though, I was never interested in bringing any of the puppies home. Today, I felt differently about it. Baron, whom they were calling Magoo, was the quietest and most laid back of the litter just seemed to touch my heart. I talked to the couple about Micah and was blessed. They have a relative with Asperger's and so understand just what type of dog personality Micah needs. Baron is seeming to be a good fit.
My oldest daughter, Christy, came over and ended up picking out a puppy also. She chose one of Baron's siblings, a male they have named Coda. Micah is accepting both pups very well. I am so glad that we got both of them. Joe has already decided that as soon as we are able to move into the new house, we will get Abbie her own puppy. The time until then will help Micah to be fully adjusted to having a dog.